What Actually Happens When You Say Yes to God?

Saying yes to God can be scary, especially when we aren’t sure what to expect. In a society where being in control appears to be the norm, it’s tough to say yes to the unknown.

Especially when we know God may ask us to do something we don’t want to do. What then?

I’m here to tell you, saying yes to God has been the best yes I’ve ever given. It’s been the most beautiful journey! The only thing I ask myself now, is why I didn’t say yes sooner. 

Since saying yes to God, I’ve:

  • gained a beautiful relationship with Him,

  • developed a better understanding of who I am,

  • gone on adventures with God, and 

  • walked in a peace I didn’t know was possible.

In January 2023, I decided to read the book, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God, by Lysa TerKeurst. This book impacted my life in a way I wasn’t expecting. It gave me a burning desire to want to say yes to God and go on a journey of self discovery. While reading the book, Holy Spirit began to speak. I received some instructions I didn’t quite understand but because I had committed to saying “yes” to God, I did it anyway. 

Since then, I’ve learned more about God’s character and how He loves his children. He wants to talk to us. He wants to know about our day. When we talk to God about what’s happening in our daily lives, He’s able to show us who He is to us. 

For example, if work was so stressful and you’re fighting tears on the ride home, when you talk to God about it, He’s able to be our Comforter, our Good Shepherd, our Prince of Peace. That way, once we get home, we can be who our spouses and children need us to be because we’ve already given our work burdens to God. God truly cares about the things we care about and He wants to be our best friend.

Saying yes led me to learning who I am as a daughter of Christ. The Bible says we are the apple of God’s eye. He loves us and there’s nothing we have to do to gain His love. He’s proud of us just because we are His children. We get to rest in His love, when we say yes to Him. 

My favorite part of saying yes to God has been going on, what I like to call adventures with Him. These are the times when God asks me to deliver a message to His children, people that look like me and you. The first adventure, He told me to go test drive a car. I thought I was about to get a brand new car until I realized He sent me there to share my story with the salesman. 

While I was at the dealership, the salesman mentioned how happy and joyful I was. I mentioned something about my relationship with God, I can’t remember exactly what I said. I continued to talk about the car and my son’s love for this particular car. He then began to talk about his daughter and we swapped questions. One of my questions led to him mentioning some challenges with their relationship. He mentioned being angry about how things were playing out between them.

I began to encourage him with God’s Word and he got quiet. Then he said, “I don’t think you’re here for the car, I think you’re here for me.” I paused because I knew he was right, God sent me there for him, but I didn’t know how to respond. Thankfully, I didn’t have to because he began to tell me how, just that morning, he was questioning his faith and he needed to hear my story.

The craziest part of the story: he wasn’t from my area! He was only at the dealership THAT day for work and was flying out that same evening. 

God loves us all immeasurably more than we could ever imagine!

Those are the moments that remind me how important and impactful it is to say yes to God.

And it all started with reading the book, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God, and making the decision to say yes to God, no matter the outcome.

If you want to start saying yes to God, grab your copy of What Happens When Women Say Yes to God, and start reading today!


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